Saturday, December 24, 2011


Happy Holidays everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying good food and family. Since I am home nursing my ever messed up vocal cords, I thought i'd take the time to share my morbid project.

Our assignment was to create an image with a first aid procedure on it. After sketching out some less morbid first aid issues like dealing with sprained ankles, I drew a couple sketches on taking care of accidental amputations and ended up doing my final on it.

The the challenge to this project was to make it as least morbid as possible. Hopefully I solved it the right way.

So since the year is almost over, I'd like to say it was a turbulent year, but it was good and humbling. I look forward to the next year and I hope everyone has a Happy New year. Till next year.


  1. Hahaha, mission accomplished! This looks downright tame for an amputation, what an interesting assignment!

  2. I like "How to care for the amputated extremity". Also, the dude's face in the second shot reminds me of that attorney video game.
